

    The parameters that make a building healthy

    Indoor Air Quality

    Quality water

    Acoustic comfort

    Thermal comfort

    Quality building materials

    Good lighting

    The most important parameter of a building's healthiness is Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Unfortunately, in many homes and in many workplaces, there are many pollutants from both internal and external sources that worsen the quality.


    Now, thanks to the central vacuum system, it is easier to reduce allergens in the air, really improving the healthiness of indoor spaces.

    The pollutants that make a building unhealthy

    Biological pollutants

    Viruses, bacteria, pollen, fungi, mites, allergens of animal origin

    Chemical pollutants

    Carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, benzene

    Physical pollutants

    Electromagnetic fields, noise, radon gas

    The most frequent pathologies in an unhealthy environment

    Chronic and related respiratory diseases

    Allergic rhinitis, colds, asthma, multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome

    Sick Building Syndrome

    Difficulty breathing, cough, headache, widespread pain, eye irritation

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